Today Margo's Aunt Kay was so nice to take us on a walking tour of Chinatown (her profession is that of the tour guide persuasion) and we had Dim Sum for lunch. This afternoon Margo and I split off and I studied for my phone interview while Margo read in the North Shore area and stopped at the house before meeting up with her high school friend, Derek.
We met at Olive about half a mile away and I had a couple of the best martinis ever - dirty with goat cheese stuffed olives and then a spicy one with jalapeno-stuffed olives. Both yum yum time in their own right, and we had really good guac, bruchetta and pizza to wash it down. We had a quick stop at a dive bar that had a DC style whiskey shot and pbr for $7, but I stuck with the pbr and played a couple rounds of Galaga (my favorite arcade game) before admitting defeat and returning to our table.
Tomorrow we'll be grabbing lunch with our DC friend Micah who moved back west for school and I hope to see high school bud a lud Anna!!!! Then I fly back the next morning :(
galaga! also i have a $5 pbr/ whiskey combo waiting for you back here.... dc cheaper than somewhere?!?! i got your picture but was in sleepy land due to work and that pesky sun leading to time differences. grrr.